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Gregor Schill och Malin Pettersson, 2013.
Anyone who has ever played a game of ping-pong knows this.
The purpose of this book is to provide the reader with theoretical 
knowledge and tangible tools in order to become a winner in the 
mental game. Although the examples are primarily taken from the 
game of table tennis, the Mental Training itself can be applied to 
all sports and all kinds of performances.
The authors have chosen to use a champion’s thoughts and
ideas as their starting point. You will be given legendary
World Champion and Olympic gold medalist Jan-Ove Waldner’s 
best advice when it comes to mental strength, which key factors 
you should focus on, and how to practice and apply them.
Learn how to Perform in the Storm!

Mental strength! – with Jan-Ove Waldner´s tips for peak performance

SKU: 978-91-87481-06-2
200,00 krPris



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Maria Rashidi, 62, utsattes för en attack med syra utanför sitt hem i Rinkeby då hon ville skilja sig från sin man. Hennes

ansikte brändes sönder och hon förlorade stora delar av sin syn. – Det kändes som att mitt ansikte rann av, säger Maria

Rashidi som nu skrivit en bok om sitt liv. Vi på B4Press är glada att få ge ut boken.


Expressen, 19 april 2018

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